Economic History 419 
London School of Economics

Lent Term, 2010

Economics 521
Illinois, Fall 2009

My teaching at Illinois in recent years focused on the American and European economies, from their economic history to their current economic policy issues, especially their impact on globalization.

At the undergraduate level, I taught:
Economics 332, The Economic History of Europe, 
using Rondo Cameron and Larry Neal, A Concise Economic History of the World, from Paleolithic Times to the Present, which actually deals with the history of the international economy from earliest times to the present, and should be re-titled, The Economic History of the World. 

Some of the PowerPoint presentations I use are:

Economics of the Great Depression

A Shocking Theory of Economic History

Economics of World War II
World War II

Economics 422. The European Economics, 
using Larry Neal and Daniel Barbezat, The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe which covered the economics of the European Union from 1945 to the present, and then the economic policy issues that concern the individual European economies at present. This would be replaced by the updated and re-organized book, Larry Neal, The Economics of Europe and the European Union, if I taught it again.

Since 2005, when I retired from teaching at the University of Illinois, I have taught a graduate course in financial history at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Economic History 412. The Development of Financial Institutions and Markets, EH412.html
using articles and many chapters from Jeremy Atack and Larry Neal, eds., The Evolution of Financial Markets and Institutions from the Seventeenth Century to the Twenty-First.

In April 2008, I taught a mini-course on "Financial History" at Sciences Politique. SciencesPoSeminar.htm

In Fall 2008, I taught a course on European Economic History, Econ 241, at UCLA. Econ241.html